Monday, November 30, 2009

Welcome back!

Hello students and parents! Welcome back. I hope everyone had a relaxing break. I sure did! I want to send a special thanks to the parents who visited us on, "Bring a special person to school Day." We had a blast making the turkey center pieces with you. The picture is below. We will be continuing with characteristics of plane shapes in math this week, as well as working on narrative elements in reading. Feel free to stop by our classroom when you have free time...we're having lots of educational FUN!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Plane Shapes

In Math this week, we are learning about Plane Figures. How many sides, angles, and vertices, can you identify around your house?

Welcome to our Blog Page!

I am excited about our class blog site. We will be updating our page to let you know all the exciting things we are learning and doing in class. Please feel free to join in!